
Design a home that you love

A space that feels good doesn't happen by chance, it happens by design.

Our surroundings impact our mood, performance and overall wellbeing.

So it's time to say no to bland walls that lack personality and yes to creating a space that feels like you.

Bring in vitamin of colors.

For everyone that longs for art with heart and stories.

I love the process of artmaking and guiding you through the process of finding the right artwork for your space.

Art shifts a space, and can create a warm harmony or become the talk at the dinner table.

In the photo you find Dreamscape one and two as art prints. Altogether we have three Dreamscapes that goes together, and give a calming warm harmony to your walls.

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From a client

I am delighted with my new artwork from Ingela. I had been struggling to find the final piece for my bedroom. A difficult find because the wall is painted. I love it, and it’s just perfect. You can read the full story about the selection process if you click the button.

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